The Perfect Penis M Dildo from Mr. Hankey's Toys is probably the best penis in the world. In fact, its proposals are based on the study of thousands of penises around the world. And here is a penis with absolutely perfect shapes and proposals. It will be difficult to find such a delicious cock !
From the balls to the head, the smallest detail is perfectly reproduced on this sex toy. So you really have the impression of having a real penis available 24/7. It will fill all your holes ! suck his generous glans, slide this virile shaft into your anus or your pussy and let this massive and powerful cock work in your wet bowels.
Dildo made of Premium quality 75% Soft Silicone. Both firm and flexible, The Perfect Penis M Dildo has very realistic details.
This large dildo is made in the USA, in the Hankey's Toys workshops in California.